§ Mr. Kilfedderasked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is the intervention price for milk and milk products in each of the nine countries of the European Economic Community.
§ Mr. GodberIntervention prices are fixed for butter and skimmed milk powder. Following are the prices provisionally agreed by the Council of Ministers which will apply on 1st February 1973. The figures for butter will change on 1st April when the acceding States take their first step in transition to the common price levels.
Intervention price levels for:
Produce describing the whole range of procedures necessary to comply with the EEC regulations regarding trade with countries outside the enlarged Community. These cover a wide range of agricultural commodities and their products, and deal with import and export licensing, the charging of levies and the payment of export refunds. The first of these leaflets describing the system in general was published today. I have 299W arranged for copies to be available in the Library. The leaflets which will follow will deal with particular agricultural commodities concerned with special aspects of the arrangements.
My right hon. Friend and 1 are particularly concerned that traders should be aware that they will need to apply for import and export licences for many agricultural commodities imported or exported on or after 1st February 1973, when the regulations come into force. These licences are, in normal circumstances, issued freely but, where they are necessary, trade with third countries cannot take place without them. The intervention board is in close touch with the representative trade organisations, which are being consulted about the necessary publicity.