HC Deb 07 August 1972 vol 842 cc234-5W
42. Mr. Edelman

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether, in order to improve the degree of public accountability of Rolls-Royce (1972) Limited, he will require this firm to make half-yearly reports to himself, which would in turn be reported to Parliament.

Mr. Ouslow

The first Report and Accounts of the company will be issued shortly, and I will ensure that copies are available in the Library. The making of half-yearly reports is a matter for the board.

Mr. Adam Butler

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when a decision is now likely to be made in respect of the creditors of Rolls-Royce Limited; when they are likely to be paid; and what proportion of the debt is likely to be met.

Mr. Onslow

These are all questions for the Receiver and Joint Liquidators of Rolls-Royce Ltd.