HC Deb 07 August 1972 vol 842 cc293-4W
Mr. Millan

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what machinery exists to determine whether employers are fulfilling their obligations under the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act, 1944.

Mr. Dudley Smith

All employers who are thought to have a quota obligation under the Act are asked annually for a statement of the total number of their employees and the number of registered disabled people employed. Furthermore, authorised inspectors examine the records of a random sample of such employers, concentrating particularly on those thought to be below quota who have not applied for permits to engage able-bodied staff. Any specific complaint that an employer is not fulfilling his quota obligation is investigated.

Mr. Millan

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many prosecutions there have been in each of the last five years under subsection (2) and subsection (5), respectively, of Section 9 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act. 1944.

Mr. Dudley Smith

There have been no prosecutions under subsection (2) or subsection (5) of Section 9 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act, 1944, during the last five years.

Mr. Millan

asked the Secretary of State for Employment in how many cases in each of the last five years there have been references to a district advisory committee under subsection (7) of Section 9 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act, 1944 in connection with a possible prosecution under that Section; and how many cases referred to subsection (2) and subsection (5) of that Section, respectively.

Mr. Dudley Smith

There is no requirement to refer to district advisory committees cases which arise under Section 9(2) of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act, 1944.

One case under Section 9(5) has been referred during the last five years.

Mr. Millan

asked the Secretary of State for Employment in how many cases in each of the last five years, employers have been allowed reduced quotas under subsection (5) of Section 10 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act, 1944.

Mr. Dudley Smith

There has been no case during the last five years where an employer has been allowed a reduced quota.

Mr. Millan

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many permits have been given in each of the last five years under Section 11 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act, 1944.

Mr. Dudley Smith

Information is not available in the precise form requested, but the numbers of firms to whom permits have been issued is given in the table below. Figures are not yet available for 1972.

Number of firms
to whom permits
to engage persons
Year ended not registered as
31st May Disabled were issued
1967 21,228
1968 21,021
1969 20,647
1970 22,150
1971 21,534