HC Deb 11 November 1971 vol 825 cc228-9W
Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) at what time the Wimbledon Police received a report from Mr. Paul Raymond on 2nd October, 1971, regarding possible danger to his wife and daughter; what action they took on this report; at what time and where Mr. Raymond was arrested for driving erratically and tested with a breathalyser; and why when this proved positive he was not charged for this offence;

(2) whether on the occasion of 2nd October, 1971, when the Wimbledon Police received a telephone message from Mr. Paul Raymond to the effect that his wife and daughter were in danger, the police advised him of what action they would take to investigate this matter; and what were the results of these investigations.

Mr. Sharples

At 1.05 a.m. on 2nd October, a telephone call to Wimbledon Police Staion by or on behalf of Mr. Raymond said that his daughter was in danger. The police told the caller they would go to the address of Mr. Raymond's wife and children. They did so.

Mr. Raymond was arrested at 1.25 a.m. in Battersea Park Road for refusing a breath test and was taken to Battersea Police Station. At 1.43 a.m. he took a breath test which was positive. He agreed to provide a specimen of blood, but the doctor's first attempt to obtain one failed and Mr. Raymond refused to permit a second attempt or to provide a specimen of urine. He was charged under Section 3(3) of the Road Safety Act 1967, with refusing to provide a specimen. The prosecution offered no evidence and the case was dismissed.