§ Mr. Nottasked the Minister for the Civil Service if he will list in the OFFICIAL REPORT the number of personnel in each of the main Departments of State in June, 1970, and at the present time, with such adjustments as are necessary to 239W reflect the consolidation of Departments in 1970; and whether, alongside the present numbers, he will list where public announcements have so far been made of
Number of non-industrial staff in post on: Department 1st June, 1970 1st April, 1971 Public announcements of impending reductions in numbers Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 14,884 14,874 Cmnd. 4564. Aviation Supply* 16,988 16,963 Civil Service Department 2,087 2,130 County Courts, Supreme Court and Probate Registry 7,492 7,748 Customs and Excise 17,828 17,949 Defence 112,310 111,840 Cmnd. 4592. Education and Science* 3,218 3,203 Employment* 30,714 31,097 Social Security Bill—Explanatory Memorandum. Environment* 39,429 38,806 Foreign and Commonwealth* 12,767 12,802 Health and Social Security* 70,906 71,811 Social Security Bill—Explanatory Memorandum. Home Office* 20,884 21,743 Answer to Question by the Member for Westmorland (Mr. Jopling) on 19th January, 1971 (Col. 272). Inland Revenue 68,451 69,765 Answer to Question by the Member for Heywood and Royton (Mr. Barnett) on 18th May, 1971 (Col. 245). National Savings 14,810 14,836 Scottish Office 8,187 8,314 See under Home Office. Trade and Industry* 24,566 24,549 Civil Aviation Authority Bill—Explanatory Memorandum. Investment and Building Grants Bill—Explanatory Memorandum. Treasury 1,034 1,060 Welsh Office* 858 903 * Figures for these departments incorporate adjustments brought about by transfers of function including those announced in Cmnd. 4506.