HL Deb 27 May 1971 vol 319 c1430WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have any proposals for changes in the law relating to contempt of court and defamation.


The Government have decided to set up a Committee to consider whether any changes are required in the law relating to contempt of court, and another to consider whether, in the light of the working of the Defamation Act 1952, any changes are desirable in the law, practice and procedure relating to actions for defamation. Each Committee will be asked to review the law in Scotland as well as in England and Wales.

Lord Justice Phillimore will be the Chairman of the Committee on Contempt of Court, and its other members will be Lord Grant, the Lord Justice-Clerk, Mr. Robin Day, General Sir John Hackett, Mr. Derek Hodgson, Q.C., Mr. David Hopkinson and Mr. I. G. Inglis.

The composition of the Committee on Defamation is not yet complete. Mr. Justice Faulks has agreed to act as Chairman, and other members will be Miss E. B. Clarke, Mr. R. F. Farmer, Brigadier Sir Bernard Fergusson, Mr. Harman Grisewood, Mr. David Hirst, Q.C., the Honourable H. S. Keith, Q.C., Mr. William Kimber and Mr. M. B. Rubinstein.