HC Deb 25 May 1971 vol 818 cc131-3W
Mr. Marten

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs which countries, having associated status similar to that now proposed for the Commonwealth sugar-producing countries, continue to export sugar to the Common Market; and what was the level of those exports before they had associated status.

Mr. Rippon

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa), the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) and the Malagasy Republic, which have been associated with the Community under the Yaounde Convention since 1964, and Surinam, which was associated in 1964 under Part IV of the Treaty of Rome, have continued to export sugar to the Common Market. Figures for gross Community imports of sugar from these countries and territories for 1963 and 1970 are given below:

GROSS SUGAR IMPORTS BY THE E.E.C. (in metric tons)
1963 1970
Congo Brazzaville Nil 7,806 (January-September)
Kinshasa Nil Nil
Malagasy 37,633 8,177*
Surinam 180 2,765
Source: International Sugar Organisation.
* Of which 5,111 tons were exported to the E.E.C. for refining and subsequent export to countries of the Afro-Malagasy Sugar Agreement.

The situation of the countries mentioned above and the developing Commonwealth sugar producers is not comparable for a variety of reasons, e.g., the relative importance of sugar in the economies concerned, and the fact that the Community has not in the past given far-reaching assurances to countries or territories associated with it under the Yaounde Convention or Part IV of the Treaty of Rome comparable to those specified in my statement on 17th May, and now offered to Commonwealth sugar producing countries and territories.—[Vol. 817, c. 885–6.]

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he has received the note of 19th May from the hon. Member for West Ham, North together with a communication from Mr. Ian Haig, the Executive Secretary of the World Development Movement concerning Commonwealth sugar and Great Britain's entry into the European Economic Community; and what was the nature of his reply.

Mr. Anthony Royle

Yes. My reply outlines the assurances given by the European Economic Community to developing Commonwealth Sugar Agreement countries which were explained to the House in my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster's statement of 17th May, and refers to his forthcoming consultations with these countries.—[Vol. 817, c. 882–6].