HC Deb 18 May 1971 vol 817 cc255-62W
Mr. Nott

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what proportion of winter cauliflower and spring flowers (narcissi) sold in wholesale markets in the United Kingdom, came from Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, the rest of the United Kingdom, countries of the European Economic Community, and other countries, in December, January, February, March and April in 1960, 1965, 1970 and 1971, respectively.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

I regret that information is not available in the form requested.

Home produced cut flowers January February March April December
Daffodils, per dozen blooms 2s. 8d 2s.4d. 1s. 3d. 1s. 0½d. 2s. 11d.
Narcissi, per dozen blooms 1s. 8d. 2s. 1d. 1s. 11d. 9d.
Daffodils, per dozen blooms 2s. 2d. 2s. 2d. 2s. 3d. 10d. 3s. 3d.
Narcissi, per 10 blooms 2s. 2d. 1s. 10d. 1s. 9d. 9d. 1s. 10d.
Soleil d'Or, per 10 blooms 2s. 10d.
Daffodils, grown outdoor, per 10 blooms 1s. 5d 1s. 2d. 6d.
Daffodils, grown under glass, per 10 blooms 2s. 2d. 1s. 10d. 1s. 9d. 1s. 2d. 2s. 0d.
Mainland Soleil d'Or, per 10 blooms £0.100 £0.067 £0.034
(2s. 0d.) (1s. 4d.) (8½d.)
Isles of Stilly, Soleil d'Or, per 10 blooms 1s. 6d. £0.078
(£0.075) (1s. 7d.)
Daffodils, grown outdoor, per 10 blooms 2s. 1d. £0.060 £0.035 £0.036
(£0.104) (1s. 2½d.) (8½d.) (8½d.)
Daffodils, grown under glass, per 10 blooms 1s. 11d. £0.098 £0.076
(£0.096) (1s. H½d.) (1s. 6½d.)

Mr. Nott

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was the estimated acreage of winter cauli-

Mr. Nott

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) what special tariffs exist which benefit early species of narcissi, like Soleil d'Or, produced in the Isles of Stilly; and how this tariff compared with average prices for such narcissi in wholesale markets in 1960, 1965, 1970 and 1971, respectively;

(2) what was the tariff on imports of spring cut flowers (narcissi) and narcissi bulbs, and how this compared with the average wholesale price for each commodity in the United Kingdom in 1960, 1965, 1970 and 1971, respectively.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

The tariff rates which have remained unchanged over the period in question are:

Cut Flowers:
Narcissus (other than polyanthus types, but including daffodil):
Per cwt.
1st December to the last day of February 15.8665
1st March to 30th April 12.6000
1st May to 30th November 9.3300
Narcissus (polyanthus types):
Whole year 3.2665
Dry, narcissus:
Per cent.
Whole year 10

Wholesale prices are not collected for narcissus bulbs and are not available in terms of weight for cut flowers. The following are the available monthly average wholesale prices:

flower, early potatoes and spring flowers (narcissi), in Cornwall and the Isles of Stilly, the rest of the United Kingdom and the countries of the European Economic Community in 1960, 1965, 1970 and 1971, respectively.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

The following figures give the best information that is available. It is not however possible

Crop years
1960–61 1965–66 1970–71
Cornwall 6,762 6,967 6,341
Isles of Scilly
Rest of England and Wales 13,957 11,696 11,383
Calendar years
1960 1965 1970
Belgium 2,470 2,470 Not available
France 49,400 56,810 Not available
Germany 9,880 9,880 9,880
Italy 88,920 91,390 Not available
Netherlands 9,880 4.940 Not available
(1) Figures of winter cauliflower plantings in the United Kingdom are not available. Plantings in Northern Ireland and Scotland are however small.
(2) The figures of plantings in European Economic Community countries cannot be related specifically to winter cauliflowers.

1960 1965 1970
Cornwall 4,576 4,066 3,988
Isles of Scilly 34 44 100
Rest of the United Kingdom 123,011 101,718 63,389
Belgium 17,290 12,350 9,880
France 133,380 106,210 96,330
Germany 158,080 123,500 91,390
Italy 54,340 59,280 69,160
Netherlands 24,700 17,290 19,760
Note: From June, 1969 early potatoes were defined in the united Kingdom, for statistical purposes, as those crops it was intended to harvest on or before 31st July of the year in which planted. Before then, they had been defined by variety.

Crop years
1960–61 1965–66 1970–71
Cornwall 953 847 859
Isles of Scilly 605 570 688
Rest of England and Wales 5,765 6,639 7,820
Netherlands Not available 3,268 3,512
(1) The figures for Cornwall, Isles of Scilly and the rest of England and Wales cover narcissi grown in the open for cut flowers and for sale as bulbs. Figures are not available for the United Kingdom as a whole.
(2) The information available does not show separate figures of plantings of narcissi in the European Economic Community countries, except for the Netherlands.

Mr. Nott

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was the prevailing tariff on imports of winter cauliflower, and how this compares with the average price in wholesale markets in the United Kingdom in 1960, 1965, 1970 and 1971, respectively.

to provide all the figures asked for; and as those for European Economic Community countries are taken from several separate publications, they may not be entirely comparable with each other or with the figures for this country.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

The tariff on imported winter cauliflower for the years 1960, 1965, 1970 and 1971 has been:

Per cwt.
1sr March to 30th June 40p (8/0d.)
1st July to last day of February 30p (6/0d.)

Monthly average prices for cauliflowers sold at the main wholesale markets in

January February March April November December
1st Quality, per dozen 11s. 5d. 11s. 1d 9s. 4d. 12s. 5d. 9s. 6d. 11s. 7d.
2nd Quality, per dozen 8s. 4d. 8s. 4d 6s. 4d 9s. 5d. 7s. 6d. 8s. 5d
All qualities, per dozen 12s. 8d. 12s. 3d. 12s. 2d 8s. 10d. 8s. 9d. 10s. 5d
All qualities, per dozen 13s. 5d. 14s. 10d. 15s. 8d. 13s. 1d. 10s. 10d. 11s. 0d
(£0.671) (£0.742) (£0.783) (£0.654) (£0.542) (£0.550)
All qualities, per dozen 14s. 4d. £0.546 £0.725 £0.583
(£0.717) (10s. 11d.) (14s. 6d.) (11s. 8d.)
1st Quality, per dozen 12s. 5d. 13s. 6d. 11s. 1d. 13s. 7d. 11s. 8d.
2nd Quality, per dozen 10s. 10d. 11s. 7d. 9s. 6d. 11s. 8d 9s. 11d.
All qualities per dozen 15s. 1d. 15s. 11d. 12s. 7d. 11s. 6d. 12s. 10d.
All qualities, per dozen 19s. 11d. 20s. 8d. 23s. 9d. 17s. 0d. 16s. 10d.
(£0.996) (£1.188) (£1.188) (£0.850) (£0.842)
All qualities, per dozen 22s. 8d. £0.766 £1.011 £0.747
(£1.133) (15s. 4d.) (20s. 2d.) (14s. 1d.)
1st Quality, per dozen 12s. 11d. 13s. 1d. 9s. 7d. 11s. 6d. 12s. 5d.
2nd Quality, per dozen 10s. 6d. 11s. 2d. 6s. 11d. 9s. 1d. 9s. 10d.
All qualities, per dozen 14s 7d. 13s. 9d. 15s. 11d. 15s. 0d. 14s 3d.
All qualities per dozen 17s. 9d. 16s. 3d. 15s. 1d.
All qualities, per dozen 19s. 6d. £0.610 £0.660 £0.580
(£0.975) (12s. 2d.) (13s. 2d.) (11s. 7d.)

Mr. Nott

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was the estimated average price in wholesale markets in Germany, France and the Netherlands for winter cauliflower, early potatoes and spring flowers (narcissi), and narcissi bulbs in 1969, 1970 and 1971, from information available from international sources.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

The following is the information available about market prices. The figures are taken from separate national publications and it is not known to what extent they are comparable with one another or with pub-

England and Wales in 1960, 1965, 1970 and 1971 were:

lished prices in this country. The figures for cauliflower cannot be related specifically to winter cauliflower.

1969 1970
Spring flowers (narcissi)
Netherlands (£p per 1,000 head) Early potatoes 9.21
Early potatoes
Germany £p per cwt. 1.09 1.48
France 3.77 4.59
Netherlands 1.55
Germany (£p per 100 head) 8.20 81.9
France £p per cwt. 4.64 5.36
Netherlands 2.83

Mr. Nott

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what variation in average wholesale prices existed in the United Kingdom markets between French cauliflower and the same product derived from Cornwall in 1970 and 1971.

CORNISH per dozen head
January February March April November December
1970 13s. 5d. 14s. 10d. 15s. 8d. 13s. 1d. 10s. 10d. 11s. 0d.
(£0.671) (£0.742) (£0.783) (£0.654) (£0.542) (£0.550)
1971 14s. 4d. £0.546 £0.725 £0.583
(£0.717) (10s. 11d.) (14s. 6d.) (11s. 8d.)

FRENCH per dozen head
1970 19s. 11d. 20s. 8d. 23s. 9d. 17s. 0d. 16s. 10d.
(£0.996) (£1.033) (£1.188) (£0.850) (£0.842)
1971 22s. 8d. £0.766 £1.011 £0.747
(£1.133) (15s. 4d.) (20s. 2d.) (14s. 11d.)

Mr. Nott

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what are the estimated costs of transporting, in bulk, winter cauliflower, spring cabbage and early potatoes between northern France and Covent Garden, compared with the comparable costs of transporting similar commodities between West Cornwall and Covent Garden.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

There is considerable variation in transport rates, depending for example, on the volume of business. Based on the latest available information from both road and rail haulage interests, present charges from West Cornwall to Covent Garden for spring cabbage are estimated to fall mainly within the range £11–£15 per ton; for winter cauliflower between £7 and £10 per ton; and for early potatoes between £5 and £8 per ton. I have no comparable figures on the transport of similar commodities from Northern France.

Mr. Nott

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how much

Per cwt.
Home Produced Jan. Feb. March April May June July Nov. Dec.
s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.
Spring Cabbage:
Quality 1 33 4 42 5 46 11 50 1 53 10 42 5 33 0 27 10 29 0
Quality 2 22 0 33 10 35 2 37 4 41 8 32 7 27 0 22 7 22 10
Spring Cabbage 42 0 51 5 74 8 42 11 23 8 22 8
Spring Greens 40 6 47 3 66 0 32 11 21 0 21 6 33 11 36 3
Spring Cabbage 30 10 31 3 27 10
Spring Greens 36 7 50 0 86 9 61 0 28 9 23 11 35 1 32 2 31 3

Mr. Anthony Stodart

Monthly average prices for French and Cornish cauli-flower sold at the main wholesale markets in England and Wales in 1970 and 1971 were:

winter cauliflower, spring flowers (narcissi) and narcissi bulbs were exported from the United Kingdom in 1960, 1965, 1970 and 1971, respectively.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

None of these items is separately identified in the United Kingdom export statistics.