HC Deb 11 May 1971 vol 817 cc57-8W
14. Mr. J. H. Osborn

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what has been the tonnage of sugar imported into this country from Commonwealth sources, other sources, and the tonnage manufactured from sugar beet grown in this country in each of the past five years.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

The following is the information:

('000 tons, refined value)
Imports* Manufactured from home grown sugar beet;
Year Common wealth Other Campaign years
1966 1,687.2 394.8 847.5
1967 1,682.8 376.7 873.3
1968 1,676.0 256.7 883.4
1969 1,826.6 209.1 846.7
1970 1,657.2 323.1 895.6‡
* Overseas Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom (1966–70) converted to refined value.
† Monthly Digest of Statistics (1966–69): Returns of the British Sugar Corporation Ltd. (1970).
‡ Provisional.

41. Mr. J. H. Osborn

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what estimate he has made of the tonnage of sugar imported from different sources in future years depending upon whether the outcome of the Common Market talks are successful and in the event of failure, respectively.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

Whether we join the European Economic Community or not we are contractually committed to import the negotiated price quotas under the Commonwealth Sugar Agreement at least until the end of 1974. The amounts of these quotas were given on 3rd May in reply to a question from the hon. Member for West Ham, North (Mr. Arthur Lewis). I cannot forecast the position after the end of 1974.—[Vol. 816, c. 285–6.]