§ 25. Sir G. Nabarroasked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he is aware that representatives of 25 countries, including Great Britain, of the International Organisation for Standardisation in Geneva, have agreed to a decision for reversal of numerals in writing dates, such as 1971.3.8 for 8th March, 1971; whether he will make a statement on the estimated effect on industry, trade and commerce arising from such a decision; and whether it is Government policy to support it.
§ Mr. RidleyAt present there are differing national practices regarding the order in which dates are written. Where the date is given entirely in figures—which is necessary, for example, where computers are used—ambiguity therefore arises. By removing this ambiguity, the I.S.O. Recommendation will assist international trade. I understand that B.S.I. therefore intend to adopt it as a British Standard. While the Government have no obligation to accept I.S.O. Recommendations, it is our policy to support international standardisation wherever possible.