HL Deb 26 July 1971 vol 323 cc176-8WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will state, in the case of Commonwealth or foreign doctors arriving in this country for the purpose of practising here, what precautions are taken to ensure, first, that they do possess the medical degrees which they claim, and, secondly, to ascertain whether these degrees are from a university or other institution whose teaching standards and degrees are approved by the governing bodies of the medical profession in this country.


The recognition of overseas medical qualifications and their approval for the purpose of practice in this country are matters for the General Medical Council. Under the Medical Acts, before granting registration to a doctor the General Medical Council must be satisfied that he holds a qualification recognised by them. The Council is undertaking a review of the present arrangements for the registration here of doctors who have qualified overseas, and has invited persons who so wish to offer evidence or suggestions in writing to the Registrar of the Council by July 31, 1971.


asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will state what procedure is available to a hospital, nursing home or similar institution to ascertain whether the qualifications claimed by a doctor educated in the Commonwealth or a foreign country, and applying for a post in the said institution, are in fact possessed by him, and whether the said qualifications are accepted as adequate by the medical governing bodies in this country.


The General Medical Council is responsible for the recognition of overseas medical qualifications and for the registration of individual doctors; inquiries on either matter may be addressed to the Council. National Health Service Authorities have been instructed that, before allowing a person to take up duty in any medical post, they should in every case satisfy themselves that he is appropriately registered, and that if his names does not appear in the current Medical Register, he should be asked to produce a certificate of registration given by the General Medical Council. Hospital authorities are also expected to obtain and take up adequate references; and the arrangements under the attachment scheme for assessing overseas doctors before they enter National Health Service hospital employment are a further safeguard.

House adjourned at five minutes past eleven o'clock.