HC Deb 26 July 1971 vol 822 cc4-6W
40. Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT, the detailed list of investigations and actions taken into public and private companies for alleged malpractices, as contained in the communication which he sent to the hon. Member for West Ham, North under date of 14th July, 1971.

Mr. John Davies

Yes. Following is the information:

61. Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry why, as there were 2,394 applications or cases notified to his Department for action under Section 164, Section 165(a)(i) and Section 165(b) of the Companies Act, only in 156 cases was action taken in appointing inspectors; what happened in these 156 cases; and what prosecutions ensued and with what results.

Mr. John Davies

As regards the answer to the first part of the Question I would refer the hon. Member to the information which will be published in the OFFICIAL REPORT in response to his earlier Question. Of the 156 cases reports were published in 45, winding-up orders were made upon petitions presented by the Department in the case of 21 companies; successful prosecutions ensued in the cases of 26 of the companies and civil proceedings were instituted by the Department in the case of 15 of the companies for recovery of damages. In addition, in a number of cases proceedings were instituted by official receivers following the making of winding-up orders or by other liquidators following compulsory or voluntary winding-up proceedings.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he will give the dates in chronological order when his Department received requests for investigations under the Companies Act into matters connected with alleged irregularities on the part of the Bridgwater Nurseries Limited; and what action he has taken.

Sir J. Eden

Ten requests were received from two persons over the period 1963 to 1971. The eight requests made before the company went into liquidation concerned failure to produce accounts in time and other alleged irregularities. The failure to produce accounts was taken up with the company; insufficient information was given about the irregularities to justify the appointment of inspectors. The other two complaints concerned the liquidators. There was no ground for intervention by the Department.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he has received the communication from the non. Member for West Ham, North enclosing a letter from Mr. R. H. Blakesley alleging neglect and maladministration on the part of his Department in carrying out its duties under the Companies Act concerning alleged irregularities upon the part of two companies; and what action he has taken with regard to this letter and the companies mentioned.

Sir J. Eden

The hon. Member's letter was received on 19th July. A reply will be sent as soon as possible.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry on what date he received a communication from Mr. A. Hughes concerning alleged illegalities and malpractices upon the part of public and private companies and their continuing evasion of the Companies Act; and whether he will publish this communication in the OFFICIAL REPORT with the text of his reply.

Sir J. Eden

A letter from Mr. A. G. Hughes was received on 13th July. A reply will be sent as soon as possible. I do not intend to publish either the letter or the reply.