HC Deb 14 July 1971 vol 821 c102W
Mr. Skeet

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will now make a statement about the proposed review of national parks in England and Wales.

Mr. Peter Walker

My right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Wales and I have now set up the Committee on National Park Policies and have appointed the following members :

The Rev. Lord Sandford, D.S.C., Joint Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State. Department of the Environment (Chairman).

Mr. David Gibson-Watt, M.C., M.P., Minister of State, Welsh Office.

Mr. R. N. Heaton, Deputy Secretary, Department of the Environment.

Mr. J. W. M. Siberry, Under-Secretary, Welsh Office.

Dr. Margaret Davies, Member, Countryside Commission, and Chairman of their Committee for Wales.

Sir Jack Longland, Member, Countryside Commission.

Mr. R. J. S. Hookway. Director, Countryside Commission.

Mr. C. C. Bonsey, County Land Agent and Valuer, Hampshire County Council.

Mr. G. Watson, M.B.E., Member of Lake District Planning Board and Yorkshire Dales (West Riding) Park Planning Committee.

We expect to make one further appointment to the Committee shortly.

The terms of reference of the Committee are to review how far the national parks have fulfilled the purposes for which they were established, to consider the implications of the changes that have occurred, and may be expected, in social and economic conditions, and to make recommendations as regards future policies.

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