HC Deb 12 July 1971 vol 821 cc37-9W
Mr. Gorst

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications when the Mobile Radio Committee last met; what are its terms of reference ; and what subjects are currently under discussion.

Mr. Chataway

The terms of reference are To advise the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications on questions affecting the users of mobile radio services.

The Committee last met on 11th December, 1969. It has no subjects currently under discussion, but its next task is likely to be to advise on the introduction of services into new frequency bands that are to be made available for mobile radio.

Mr. Gorst

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications when the Frequency Advisory Committee last met; what are its terms of reference ; and what subjects are currently under discussion.

Mr. Chataway

The terms of reference are To advise the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications on the broad aspects of radio frequency planning with a view to the efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum and the economic development of equipment for that purpose by the radio industry,

The Committee last met on 16th April, 1971. It is currently considering a number of frequency planning problems, with particular reference to satellite communications, television broadcasting, and mobile radio services.

Mr. Gorst

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications if he will state the names of the individuals, together with the names of the organisations with which they are connected, of the present members of the Frequency Advisory Committee and the Mobile Radio Committee.

Mr. Chataway

The details are as follows :


Dr. R. L. Smith-Rose, C.B.E. (Chairman).

Mr. S. F. Adcock, Association of Municipal Corporations.

Mr. A. R. Barrow, Ministry of Defence.

Mr. A. M. Beresford-Cooke, O.B.E., Independent Television Authority.

Mr. J. R. Brinkley, Electronic Engineering Association.

Mr. R. L. Clode, Electronic Engineering Association.

Mr. C. D. Colchester, Electronic Engineering Association.

Mr. H. A. Daniels, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Mr. K. G. Eve, County Councils' Association.

Mr. E. R. Hargreavcs, Department of Trade and Industry.

Dr. F. Horner, Science Research Council.

Mr. K. I. Jones, O.B.E., British Radio Equipment Manufacturers' Association.

Mr. J. K. S. Jowett, Post Office.

Mr. T. J. McWiggan, Department of Trade and Industry.

Mr. L. E. Newnham, Radio Society of Great Britain.

Mr. J. Redmond, British Broadcasting Corporation.

Col. I. St. Q. Severin, Cabinet Office.

Mr. K. N. Smartt, Mobile Radio Users' Association.

Capt. I. F. Sommerville, C.B.E., R.N. (Retd.), Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom.

Mr. H. Stanesby, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Mr. D. E. Watt-Carter, Post Office.

Mr. B. Wilson, Telecommunications, Engineering and Manufacturing Association.

Mr. E. W. F. Yirrell, Home Office.

Mr. R. A. York, Nationalized Power Industries.

Secretary : Mr. T. F. H. Howarth, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.


Mr. H. A. Daniels (Chairman), Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Mr. D. E. Baptiste, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Mr. R. S. J. Bishop, Somerset County Council (Ambulance Service).

Mr. J. R. Brinkley, Redifon Limited.

Mr. E. R. East, Department of the Environment (Transport).

Mr. B. N. Harden, Science Research Council.

Mr. A. D. Hudson, Plessey Limited.

Mr. J. R. Humphreys, A.E.I./G.E.C. Limited.

Mr. T. Kilvington, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Mr. S. G. Leddra, Post Office.

Mr. A. A. Mead, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Mr. J. S. Parker, Department of Trade and Industry.

Mr. K. N. Smartt, Mobile Radio Users' Association.

Mr. F. Jervis Smith, Institution of Electrical Engineers.

Capt. I. F. Sommerville. C.B.E., R.N. (Retd.), Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom.

Dr. J. M. Westhead, Pye Telecommunications Limited.

Mr. R. A. York, Nationalized Power Industries.

Joint Secretaries

Mr. T. F. H. Howarth, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Mr. A. Lee, Mobile Radio Users' Association.