HC Deb 28 January 1971 vol 810 cc158-61W
28. Mr. Pardoe

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will state the reference numbers of all the forms used by local employment exchanges for information about dismissed employees by their former employers, the purposes for which each form is used, how long each form is kept, and which forms are not shown to the employee concerned; and if he will put a copy of all these forms in the Library of the House of Commons.

Mr. Dudley Smith

A specimen copy of each of the forms has been placed in the Library.

The following is the reply: Such forms are used for two purposes, administration of unemployment benefit and registration for employment. A list of all the forms used and a brief description of their function is given at the end of this statement.

UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT Form UI 85 is used by employment exchanges to seek information from the former employer of an unemployment benefit claimant about the reasons for the termination of his employment. There are similar forms for special categories of claimants and for persons claiming credit of contributions but not benefit. The purpose of the enquiry on form UI 85 is to establish whether an unemployment benefit claimant incurs a disqualification for receiving unemployment benefit under Section 22(2) (a), (b) or (c) of the National Insurance Act 1965, i.e. whether he is disqualified for receiving unemployment benefit for a period of up to six weeks because he has voluntarily left his employment without just cause or has lost it through misconduct or whether he has refused or neglected to avail himself of a reasonable opportunity of alternative employment. The enquiry also asks for details of any terminal payments which may affect entitlement to benefit. If the employer's reply shows no ground for disqualification or disallowance of benefit, it is not shown to the claimant and the form is destroyed within 2½ to 3 months of the date of issue. When the reply raises a doubt as to whether a disqualification is incurred, the employer's reply to the initial enquiry and any subsequent enquiries made of him on forms UI 95A and/or UI 95B are copied to the claimant, unless the employer's reply to the subsequent enquiry enables a decision to be given that the claimant is not disqualified for receiving benefit. Decisions on quesions arising on claims for benefit are a matter for independent adjudicating authorities and a decision to disqualify a claimant is not made until he has been given an opportunity to comment on all the statements made by the employer and to give his version of the circumstances leading to the termination of employment. Forms which are referred to the independent adjudicating authorities for a decision are destroyed after 18 months.

REGISTRATION FOR EMPLOYMENT In the interests of both employers and applicants seeking a job it is important that adequate information relative to employment should be available to officers at employment exchanges and certain forms used in registering a person for employment or for giving employment advice provide for reasons for leaving previous employment to be recorded. Forms ED2 and OG1 used in connection with the Professional and Executive Register and the Occupational Guidance Service respectively are completed by the applicant. The remainder of the forms shown in the supporting list are completed during an employment interview or subsequently if relevant information becomes available to the employment exchange staff.

ADULTS The UI 589, which is a blank form and does not carry the departmental number is used

Form Number
UI 85 Enquiry of previous employer of unemployment benefit claimant about the reasons for termination of employment and asking for details of any payments made in lieu of notice or for premature termination of contract of service.
UI 85 (SF) Enquiry of previous employer of unemployment benefit claimant—Share fisherman.
UI 85A Enquiry of previous employer in case of numbers of discharged workers.
UI 85C Enquiry of previous employer who has agreed to special arrangements when employees are on short-time.
UI 85M Enquiry of previous employer in the case of a mariner (other than share fisherman).
UI 86 Transcript of employer's reply from UI 85/85A—Letter to claimant inviting observations on employer's statement.
UI 86A Transcript of additional information from employer—Letter to claimant inviting comments on employer's statement.
UI 86M Transcript of employer's reply from UI 85M—Letter to claimant inviting observations on employer's statement.
UI 86 (SF) Transcript of employer's reply from UI 85 (SF)—Letter to claimant inviting observations on employer's statement.
UI 95 Letter to employer returning incomplete form UI 85/85A for completion.
UI 95A Letter to employer seeking further information arising out of his replies to initial enquiry on form UI 85.
UT 95B Transcript of claimant's statement (given on form UI 86 or UI 86A)—Letter to employer seeking additional information or qualification of claimant's statement.
CR 85 These forms are used for the same purpose as the corresponding numbered UI forms but for claimants claiming credit of contributions and not benefit. The National Insurance Act 1965, section 67(1)(b) provides, in effect, that any period in respect of which a person would have been disqualified under section 22 of the National Insurance Act 1965 for receiving unemployment benefit if he otherwise had a right to it, shall not be regarded as unemployment and thus credit of contributions would not be awarded.
CR 86
CR 86A
CR 95
CR 95A
CR 95B

in two ways. It is used to enter any additional details thought necessary for employment purposes. Secondly, if any such remarks are considered to be derogatory, then a separate blank sheet is used and headed "UI 589 (Der)". This is done in the interests of the individual so as to ensure that any information on UI 589 (Der) shall not be disclosed to a prospective employer without the registrant's consent. Registration documents are normally retained for a minimum of 5 years although this may be reduced in respect of Professional and Executive Register documents to 3 years and to Occupational Guidance Service documents to 2 years. UI 589 (Der) is retained indefinitely. All registration documents are regarded as confidential and not shown either to the registrant concerned or to persons outside the Department.

YOUNG PERSONS Careers Officers make notes of their vocational guidance and employment interviews with young persons on a personal worksheet, which is not in any standard form, and on an individual record card (YIB or YIG) which constitutes the official document. Derogatory information is not recorded on the YIB or YIG but could be noted by the Careers Officer on his personal worksheet. Any such information known to the Careers Officer would not be disclosed to an employer or any other person without the consent of the individual boy or girl concerned. The Y1B or YIG is regarded as confidential to the Youth Employment Service but may be shown to the young person's parents on request. The YIB or Y1G may be retained until the young person has reached the age of 21.

Form Number
ED 2 Application form for inclusion on Professional and Executive Register—completed by client.
ED 4 Employment history sheet completed by Departmental Officer during interview. The current print of this form has a different format and does not include a space for "reason for leaving". Any relevant information on this point would be shown on UI 589.
ED 64 Interview record form used by Professional and Executive Register.
ED 828 (Part 2) Interview report—resettlement of ex-regular members of Her Majesty's Forces.
OG 1 Occupational Guidance Service Questionnaire—completed by client.
OG 8 Interview report completed by Occupational Guidance Officer.
UI 589 A blank sheet used to record other general information relevant to employment work.
UI 589 (Der) A blank sheet headed UI 589 (Der) used to record information regarded as derogatory.
Y 1B Individual record card for young persons giving details of education, employment, etc
Y 1G