HC Deb 27 January 1971 vol 810 c145W

Mr. Molyneaux asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what

England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
Fat Cattle* (s. d./live cwt.) 249 4 245 8 254 1 228 10
18 months old 1–2 years old 18 months old
Store Cattle* (£ s. d./head):
Beef breeds 77 0 0 59 6 0
Aberdeen Angus 71 8 0
Other beef 70 13 0
Dairy breeds 73 0 0 40 1 0
Dairy/beef cross 79 0 0
Fat Sheep* (s. d./lb) 4 2.5 4 2.75 4 2.5 3 11.5
Fat Pigs* (s. d./score) 53 10 58 0 58 3
Poultrys No information available
Eggs† (s. d./dozen) 3 11.25 3 11.25 3 11.25 3 11.25
Milk‡ (s. d./gallon) 3 3.48 3 4.58 2 9.66
Barley‡ (s. d./cwt.) 31 7.55 30 3.55 30 1.78
Potatoes* (£ s. d./ton) 14 12 0 15 0 0 15 0 0
* Price for week beginning 4th January, 1971.
Price at 31st December, 1970.
‡ Price for year ended 31st March, 1970.


Store Cattle—Combined prices for steers and heifers.

Fat Sheep—Only. Fat lamb prices not available.

Eggs—British Egg Marketing Board average minimum producer price for first quality eggs weighing at least 1½ oz. The figure quoted is in effect a "delivered packing station" price; a deduction of approximately ld. would convert it to an "ex-farm" basis.

Milk(a) Net average ex-farm price received for milk by wholesale/producers. Price after deduction for transport.

(b) The price quoted for Scotland is that for the Main Scottish Area. For the Aberdeen and district Board area it was 3s. 4.61d. per gallon and for the North of Scotland Board areas 3s. 4.30d. per gallon.

Barley—"At farm prices".

General—Prices vary at different times of the year, and may vary from place to place.