HC Deb 18 January 1971 vol 809 cc211-2W
Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) what was the purchasing value of a Member of Parliament's salary at the latest convenient date compared with the value of £3,178, in October, 1970, being the decline since June of that year;

(2) whether he is aware that, since the date in October, 1964, when Members of Parliament's salaries were raised to £3,250 per annum, the then purchasing value of £3,250 per annum had, by October, 1970, fallen to £2,467 per annum; and, in the terms of the depreciation of the purchasing value of the £ from June, 1970, until October, 1970, what is the estimated purchasing value at the latest stated date as compared with June, 1970, and October, 1964.

Mr. Higgins

Taking the value of a Member of Parliament's salary to be £3,250 in October, 1964, its purchasing power in November, 1970, the latest date for which information is available, is estimated at £2,450. Taking the value at £3,250 in June, 1970, the purchasing power in November, 1970, is estimated at £3,159. These comparisons are based on the movement in the Consumer Price Index for complete calendar years adjusted by the movements in the General Index of Retail Prices for the months at the beginning and end of the period.