HC Deb 18 January 1971 vol 809 cc215-6W
Mr. Farr

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he proposes to bring to an end some of the committees which advise and assist his Department in the performance of its functions.

Mr. Prior

Yes. I have announced in the White Paper (Cmnd. 4564) published today that I propose to bring to an end the County Agricultural Executive Committee system, numbering over 300 county, sub and district committees; the 49 local wheat Committees, which will disappear when the wheat deficiency payment is put on an acreage basis; and about 30 other committees.

Their work in the past has been of great value to the Government and to the industries concerned. I am glad to be able to pay tribute to them and to thank the chairmen and members for their services, some stretching over many years. But we feel that advisory committees of this kind which make considerable calls upon the time of members of the community as well as officials should only be continued if their purpose cannot be more effectively discharged in some other way.

Some of these bodies cannot be brought to an end without the approval of Parliament. This will be sought as soon as possible.

The committees to be terminated are:

Statutory Committees

  • Agricultural Marketing Facilities Committees (2).
  • Bee Disease Advisory Committee.
  • County Agricultural Executive Committees and their Sub and District Committees (320).

Non Statutory Committees

  • Advisory Council on Rabbits and Other Land Pests.
  • Advisory Group on the Retail Food Trade.
  • Bee Husbandry Advisory Committee.
  • Committee on Barley Incentive Scheme.
  • Farm Structure and Improvements Advisory Committee.
  • Joint Shelter Research Committee.
  • Land Classification Committee.
  • Land Restoration Committee.
  • Liaison Committees with the food, drink and feedingstuffs trades (12).
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  • Local wheat Committees (49).
  • Machinery User Testing Scheme Advisory Committee.
  • Milk and Milk Products Technical Advisory Committee.
  • Oats and Barley Deficiency Payments Advisory Committee.
  • Sub Committees of National Codex Committee (8).
  • Wheat and Rye Deficiency Payments Advisory Committee.