HC Deb 16 February 1971 vol 811 cc406-7W
Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services on what date his Department first received an approach requesting action regarding the disablement of Mr. Gustav Polya of Forest Gate, E.7; what was the first date his Department received an approach from the hon. Member for West Ham, North, and on how many subsequent occasions; what action has so far been taken; and, as this matter has now been outstanding for almost 2½ years, whether he will now take action to resolve this difficulty.

Mr. Alison

I understand that the first approach was by the hon. Member on 17th December, 1967 and that he subsequently wrote to or telephoned my predecessors on five occasions and put down a Question. The London Borough of Newham consider that the most appropriate care for Mr. Polya would be in a residential home. They have been making strenuous efforts to provide this but a place may not be available for some time. In the meantime, he is remaining in hospital and attending a local authority training centre each day.

Year Number of Prosecutions resulting in conviction Total amount of fines Number of cases in which
£ Gear confiscated Catch confiscated
1966 15 2,325 10 10
1967 18 1,978 6 5
1968 11 945 3 4
1969 9 1,345 4 3
1970 9 1,605 26 28
Totals 62 8,198 26 28