- Footwear (Waterproofing Standards) 100 words
- Price Control 66 words
- Falmouth, Penryn and Camborne- Redruth (New Industry) 660 words
- Woollen Textile Trade 140 words
- Developing Countries (Trade Preferences) 97 words
- Denationalised Industries (Foreign Control) 61 words
- Air-Sea Rescue (B.E.A. Helicopters) 99 words
- British Airways Authority (Annual Return) 113 words
- B.O.A.C. (Financial Return) 79 words
- Sadler Rail Coach Company 68 words
- Shipbuilding Industry 119 words
- Footwear (Canadian Imports) 72 words
- Nationalised Industries (Price Increases) 101 words
- Industrial Development Certificates, Scotland 76 words
- Steel Industry (Coking Coal Prices) 52 words
- Industrial Reorganisation Corporation 55 words
- Tribology 151 words
- Chartered and Technician Engineers and Engineering Technicians 490 words
- Development of Tourism Act, 1969 110 words
- Research Associations (Grants) 2,392 words
- Coal Production 43 words
- British Steel Corporation 44 words
- British European Airways 77 words
- Electricity Boards 127 words
- Gas Boards 258 words
- National Coal Board 92 words
- Wine Bottles (Fluid Contents) 281 words
- Coal Industry (Contraction) 71 words
- Fuel Oil (Price Increases) 84 words
- Micro-circuits and Semiconductors (Dumping) 71 words
- Coal Output (Scotland) 48 words
- Development Areas (Regional Incentives) 134 words
- European Economic Community 217 words
- Industrial Development Certificate Regulations (Derby) 56 words
- Industrial Reorganisation Corporation Loans (Repayment) 70 words
- Girvan 78 words