HC Deb 20 December 1971 vol 828 c255W
Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department

Persons acquitted*
Persons Males aged 17 and over Females aged 17 and over Juveniles aged under 17 Total Col. (8) as percentage
proceeded against Number Per cent. Number Per cent. Number Per cent. Number Per cent. of Col. (1)
Year (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1960 17,815 527 100.0 3.0
1961 21,663 The figures for these years 636 100.0 2.9
1962 25,731 are not available 719 100.0 2.8
1963 25,506 860 100.0 3.4
1964 27,626 233 24.8 494 52.5 213 22.7 940 100.0 3.4
1965 31,497 280 24.9 590 52.4 255 22.7 1,125 100.0 3.6
1966 30,971 295 26.1 574 50.8 261 23.1 1,130 100.0 3.6
1967 32,857 374 26.8 742 53.1 281 20.1 1,397 100.0 4.3
1968 34,524 391 26.4 819 55.3 270 18.3 1,480 100.0 4.3
1969 40,181 528 29.5 974 54.5 286 16.0 1,788 100.0 4.4
1970 43,477 682 32.7 1,090 52.3 314 15.0 2,086 100.0 4.8

Persons found guilty
Males aged 17 and over Females aged 17 and over Juveniles aged under 17 Total
Number Per cent. Number Per cent. Number Per cent. Number Per cent.
Year (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
1960 4,036 23.5 6,273 36.4 6,908 40.1 17,217 100.0
1961 4,540 21.6 8,161 38.9 8,284 39.5 20,985 100.0
1962 5,732 230 10,661 42.7 8,550 34.3 24,943 100.0
1963 5,996 24.4 10,470 42.7 8,079 32.9 24,545 100.0
1964 6,337 23.9 11,319 42.7 8,860 33.4 26,516 100.0
1965 7,124 23.7 12,988 43.1 9,985 33.2 30,097 100.0
1966 7,743 26.1 12,602 42.6 9,272 31.3 29,617 100.0
1967 8,657 27.8 13,813 44.3 8,701 27.9 31,171 100.0
1968 9,761 29.9 14,468 44.3 8,447 25.8 32,676 100.0
1969 12,086 31.9 17,444 46.0 8,354 22.1 37,884 100.0
1970 13,872 34.2 18,336 45.2 8,384 20.6 40,592 100.0
* Includes persons discharged under section 7 of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1952, and those whose charge was withdrawn or dismissed.