HC Deb 09 December 1971 vol 827 cc359-60W
73. Mr. George Cunningham

asked the Minister of State for Defence what D-notices have been issued by Her Majesty's Government since 29th July concerning the operations of the Army in Northern Ireland.

Lord Balniel

D Notices are not issued by the Government but by the Defence, Press and Broadcasting Committee on which both the Government and the Press and broadcasting organisations are represented. No D Notices concerning the operations of the Army in Northern Ireland have been issued since 29th July, 1971.

Mr. McManus

asked the Minister of State for Defence how many times in the last three months school buses have been searched by the Army in Fermanagh and South Tyrone; from what schools the buses were coming; and what were the results of the searches.

Mr. G. Johnson Smith

I regret that this information cannot be provided without disproportionate effort. During the last three months the Army has searched some 300,000 vehicles in Northern Ireland and full records are maintained only when items of security significance are discovered.

Mr. McManus

asked the Minister of State for Defence why soldiers are asking the religious denomination of occupants of houses which they are visiting in the course of their duties in Fermanagh and South Tyrone; and if he will instruct them to cease so doing.

Mr. G. Johnson Smith

It is not the policy for soldiers to ask the religious denominations of the occupants of houses which they visit in the course of their duties. Instructions to this effect have recently been reissued. I have received no specific complaint of such questions being asked in Fermanagh or South Tyrone.

Mr. Rose

asked the Minister of State for Defence how many British troops are currently engaged in Northern Ireland; what is the strength of the Ulster Defence Regiment; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. G. Johnson Smith

The current total strength of Regular units amounts to some 14,500 and U.D.R. units to some 5,800 officers and men. Sufficient troops will continue to be made available to meet requirements.