HC Deb 07 April 1971 vol 815 cc209-10W
Mr. Knox

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) from information available from international sources, what was the average producer return from cattle expressed in pounds per live hundredweight, in Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Italy during 1970 or the most recent 12 months for which figures are available; and how this compares with the United Kingdom figure;

(2) from information available from international sources, what was the average producer return from cattle expressed in pounds per live hundredweight in the European Economic Community, during 1970 or the most recent 12 months for which figures are available; and how this compares with the average return in the United Kingdom market.

Mr. Prior

A comparison of average market prices received by producers in each country of the European Economic Communities and in the United Kingdom is shown below.

£ per live cwt.
Year ending 30th June, 1970
Good Quality Average Quality
Belgium 15.76 13.44
France 15.86 11.42
Germany 15.45 12.10
Italy 16.27 14.13
Luxembourg 14.33 11.16
Netherlands 16.05 13.90
Certified Fat Cattle
year ending 31st March
1970 1971 (forecast)
United Kingdom 9.73(1) 10.24(2)

(1) Excludes deficiency payment of £1.08 per live cwt. related to a guaranteed price of £10.75 per live cwt.

(2) Excludes deficiency payment of £1.38 per live cwt. related to a guaranteed price of £11.62 per live cwt.

Community members and August/July for the United Kingdom. Information is not available for Luxembourg or for the Community as a whole.

No annual average market prices are available for the E.E.C. as a whole. However, weekly prices are published and during the calendar year 1970 these ranged from £14.07 to £15.08 per live cwt.

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