HC Deb 11 May 1970 vol 801 c246W
Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

asked the Secretary of State for Local Government and Regional Planning whether he is aware of the recent statement by the West Midlands Economic Planning Council regarding the granting of industrial development certificates for building in overspill towns; and what measures he proposes to encourage industry to move to overspill towns other than Telford and Daventry to meet the need for local employment for those to be housed outside the conurbation, as recommended in the report, " Patterns of Growth ".

Mr. Crosland:

Yes: but I do not at present consider that the position of West Midlands overspill towns other than Telford and Daventry justifies relaxation of the i.d.c. control. Subject, however, to the first priority needs of the development and intermediate areas, we will continue to look sympathetically at applications for i.d.c.s from firms in the West Midlands conurbation to move to other overspill towns, as well as applications for reasonable expansion by firms already there.