HC Deb 11 March 1970 vol 797 cc349-50W
Mr. Kenneth Baker

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the past or planned increase in total public expenditure as shown in Cmnd Paper No. 4234 at 1969–70 out-turn prices in each of the years 1965–66 to 1973–74, inclusive, including selective employment tax additional payments, regional employment premiums and industrial grants.

Mr. Diamond

The following is the information:

PUBLIC EXPENDITURE, 1964–65 TO 1973–74
Increase over previous year (disregarding revenue offsets) £ million (1969–70 outturn prices)
1965–66 ߪ ߪ ߪ ߪ 1,014
1966–67 ߪ ߪ ߪ ߪ 1,110
1967–68 ߪ ߪ ߪ ߪ 2,005
1968–69 ߪ ߪ ߪ ߪ 382
1969–70 ߪ ߪ ߪ ߪ 462
1970–71 ߪ ߪ ߪ ߪ 697
1971–72 ߪ ߪ ߪ ߪ 666
1972–73 ߪ ߪ ߪ ߪ 750
1973–74 ߪ ߪ ߪ ߪ 780

Mr. Kenneth Baker

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the public sector's net expenditure on resources at 1969–70 out-turn prices, as shown in Table 1.2 of Cmnd Paper No. 4234, in the years 1964–65 to 1967–68, inclusive, and any earlier years for which figures are available.

Mr. Diamond,

pursuant to his Reply [OFFICIAL REPORT, 3rd March, 1970; Vol. 797, c. 78–9] provided the following information:

£ million at 1969–70 outturn prices
1964–65 ߪ ߪ ߪ 10,210
1965–66 ߪ ߪ ߪ 10,880
1966–67 ߪ ߪ ߪ 11,580
1967–68 ߪ ߪ ߪ 12,170

Comparable information for earlier years is not available.