HC Deb 11 March 1970 vol 797 cc308-11W
Mr. J. E. B. Hill

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is his estimate of the proportion of the rise in retail prices of food generally, and of any specified foods, which over the last 20 years has been taken up by the costs of more elaborate processing, packaging and presentation.

Mr. Hoy

A recently published unofficial estimate indicates that in the last few years the costs of processing, packaging and presentation incurred in the United Kingdom represented about 20 per cent. of the total retail value of all food, including imports. I regret that no estimates are available of the change in this element over the last 20 years, or of changes in its composition as between volume and price changes, or for individual foods.

Sir J. Gilmour

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many cases have been brought to his notice under the Prices and Incomes Act of foodstuffs which are identical being packed under different labels and marketed at different prices; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Hoy

We are aware that some "branded" and private label foods are similar in quality but are sold at different prices. This is a well known trade practice and we do not consider that it requires any action under the Prices and Incomes policy. We are however keeping the position under review.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Minister of Agriculture. Fisheries and Food to what extent food prices have risen since devaluation; whether he will give a full and detailed list of actual price rises of stated articles since devaluation; and what action he has taken or intends taking to ensure that these increases were justified and with what results.

Mr. Hoy

The Food Index increased by 14 per cent. between November, 1967, arid January, 1970. The information about individual commodities is shown below. It should be noted that all these figures are distorted by seasonal factors.

Item 14th November 1967 Average Price 20th January, 1970 Difference
d. d. d.
Beef: home-killed
Chuck 60.0 74.8 +14.8
Sirloin (without bone) 82.0 102.7 +20.7
Silverside (without bone)* 77.2 95.0 +17.8
Back ribs (with bone)* 53.6 65.4 +11.8
Fore ribs (with bone) 51.7 64.4 +12.7
Brisket (with bone) 33.4 40.7 +7.3
Rump steak* 104.4 129.8 +25.4
Beef: Imported, chilled
Chuck 52.9 64.1 +11.2
Silverside (without bone)* 65.3 79.4 +14.1
Rump steak* 93.3 104.7 +11.4
Lamb: home, killed
Loin (with bone) 63.1 78.2 +15.1
Breast* 17.7 23.3 +5.6
Best end of neck 47.5 59.2 +11.7
Shoulder (with bone) 43.5 54.8 +11.3
Leg (with bone) 61.3 75.4 +14.1
Lamb: imported
Loin (with bone) 48.7 61.1 +12.4
Breast* 10.8 15.0 +4.2
Best end of neck 39.3 49.5 +10.2
Shoulder (with bone) 36.0 43.5 7.5
Leg (with bone) 54.3 66.0 +11.7
Pork: home-killed
Leg (foot off) 59.5 67.1 +7.6
Belly* 36.4 42.2 +5.8
Loin (with bone) 68.7 78.3 +9.6
Other meat
Pork sausages 39.1 42.8 +3.7
Beef sausages 31.4 35.4 +4.0
Roasting chicken (broiler), frozen (3 lb.) 37.9 37.6 -0.3
Roasting chicken, fresh or chilled 42.1 45.1 +3.0
Ham, cooked 113.2 125.7 +12.5
Pork luncheon meat, 12 oz. tin 31.3 31.4 +0.1
Fresh fish
Cod fillets 42.5 48.8 +6.3
Haddock fillets 48.7 58.6 +9.9
Haddock, smoked whole 44.7 52.5 +7.8
Plaice fillets 78.7
Halibut cuts 83.9 106.4 +22.5
Herrings 22.0 25.8 +3.8
Kippers, with bone 31.4 34.6 +3.2
Canned (red) salmon, ½ size 49.5 63.8 +14.3
White, 1¾ lb. wrapped and sliced loaf 17.6 20.8 +3.2
White, 1¾ lb. unwrapped loaf 16.9 20.2 +3.3
White, 14 oz. loaf 10.4 12.2 +1.8
Brown, 14 oz. loaf 12.1 14.3 +2.2
Self raising, 3 lb. 22.2 23.1 +0.9

As to the second part of the Question, the arrangements for price surveillance have been in operation throughout the period and are designed to ensure that increases are consistent with the Government's prices policy.

Item 14th November 1967 Average Price 20th January, 1970 Difference
Fresh vegetables
Potatoes, old (white, loose) 3.8 5.1 +1.3
(red, loose) 4.4 5.8 +1.4
Tomatoes 27.0 30.0 +3.0
Cabbage, greens 7.1 9.0 +1.9
Cabbage, hearted 6.2 7.1 +0.9
Cauliflower or broccoli 17.3 20.2 +2.9
Sprouts 10.3 12.2 +1.9
Carrots 6.2 6.9 +0.7
Onions 7.7 14.9 +7.2
Mushrooms (per ½ lb.) 14.7
Fresh Fruit
Apples, cooking 16.5 14.5 -2.0
Apples, dessert 22.3 18.7 -3.6
Pears, dessert 20.1 17.6 -2.5
Oranges 15.2 15.9 +0.7
Bananas 16.6 16.7 +0.1
Collar* 47.3 54.4 +7.1
Gammon* 71.5 78.4 +6.9
Middle cut*, smoked 64.2 72.7 +8.5
Back, smoked 68.4 79.3 +10.9
Back, unsmoked 65.7 76.4 +10.7
Streaky, smoked 42.8 50.9 +8.1
Milk, ordinary, per pint 10.0 11.0 +1.0
New Zealand 40.2 40.2 No change
Danish 47.6 47.9 +0.3
Standard quality (without added butter) (per ½ lb.) 10.9 11.8 +0.9
Lower priced, per ½ lb. 8.3 9.6 +1.3
Lard 16.3 19.1 +2.8
Cheese, cheddar type 42.6 42.6 No change
Large, per doz. 55.5 56.8 +1.3
Standard, per doz. 47.5 51.1 +3.6
Medium, per doz. 41.7 45.7 +4.0
Sugar, granulated, 2 lb. 16.8 17.8 +1.0
Coffee, extract 4 oz. 59.2
Higher priced per ¼ lb. 23.7 23.9 +0.2
Medium priced 18.8 18.6 -0.2
Lower priced 17.3 17.4 +0.1
* Or Scottish equivalent.
Note: The figures are averages of those collected by the Department of Employment and Productivity for the purposes of the Index of Retail Prices in 200 areas of the United Kingdom.