HC Deb 05 March 1970 vol 797 cc165-6W
Mr. Bishop

asked the Minister of Technology what action his Department has taken to implement the recommendations of the Feilden Report; and what further plans he has for the improvement of the status of engineers.

Mr. Alan Williams

As announced in the House by my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade on 17th April, 1969, the Government have approved in principle the setting up of a National Design Council. A further announcement by my right hon. Friend on 11th June, 1969 indicated that a firm of consultants had been chosen to advise in detail on the setting up of the proposed new council. The consultants' report has been received and consultations between the interested parties have reached an advanced stage. We are confident that these proposals will contribute materially towards implementing the main recommendations of the Feilden Report.

Action to improve the status of engineers takes a variety of forms, in concert with other Departments and through a number of organisations, many of them voluntary. These have included the use of various publicity media and projects to draw attention, particularly amongst the young, to the importance and the challenge of engineering. The aim is to increase the number of our brightest youngsters who opt for a career in engineering. The Department also collaborates closely in many ways with the Council of Engineering Institutions, which was set up so that the Chartered Engineers might speak with one voice in national affairs.—[Vol. 781, c. 1354; Vol. 784, c. 261–2.]

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