HC Deb 04 March 1970 vol 797 cc105-6W
53. Mr. Iremonger

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will publish

(Army ranks have been used for convenience)
Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel
With With With With
Basic increases Basic increases Basic increases Basic increases
Code rates at age 60 rates at age 60 rates at age 60 rates at age 60
1919 299 661 448 918 597 1,174 796 1,536
1945 375 754 475 943 625 1,226 825 1,604
1950 400 755 500 944 675 1,276 875 1,617
1956 500 790 625 988 800 1,265 1,000 1,581
1960 675 872 875 1,131 1,075 1,390 1,350 1,745
1962 725 854 930 1,095 1,140 1,341 1,450 1,706
1964 775 854 995 1,096 1,235 1,361 1,615 1,779
1966 910 946 1,205 1,253 1,480 1,539 1,880 1,955
1968 975 975 1,290 1,290 1,585 1,585 2,010 2,010
1969 1,015 1,015 1,340 1,340 1,650 1,650 2,090 2,090

Brigadier Major General Lieutenant General General
With With With With
Basic increases Basic increases Basic increases Basic increases
Code rates at age 60 rates at age 60 rates at age 60 rates at age 60
1919 966 1,909 1,195 2,268 1,394 2,610
1945 900 1,745 1,100 2,105 1,300 2,449 1,500 2,792
1950 1,000 1,803 1,200 2,112 1,400 2,464 1,700 2,992
1956 1,150 1,818 1,400 2,214 1,600 2,530 1,900 3,003
1960 1,450 1,875 1,850 2,391 2,300 2,973 2,800 3,619
1962 1,595 1,877 2,000 2,353 2,300 2,973 2,800 3,619
1964 1,845 2,033 2,320 2,555 2,695 2,969 3,305 3,641
1966 2,125 2,210 2,590 2,694 2,885 3,000 3,430 3,567
1968 2,275 2,275 2,770 2,770 3,085 3,085 3,670 3,670
1969 2,365 2,365 2,880 2,880 3,210 3,210 3,815 3,815
(1) Widows pensions are normally one-third of the husbands' pensions with increases under the various Pensions Increase Measures.
(2) The figures shown are not strictly comparable one Code with another since they reflect changes in conditions of service over the years.
(3) In the time available, it has not been possible to establish the various average industrial wage ruling over the period covered by the various Codes. Officers' retired pay is not in any case related to average industrial wages.

in the OFFICIAL REPORT details of the pensions of retired officers of the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force and their widows, over the last 40 years alongside comparable figures for the average industrial wage; and what steps he is taking to improve the falling standards of life of elderly retired officers and their widows.

Mr. Hattersley

The table below shows the maximum basic rates for officers on all the retired pay codes and how these rates have been increased to date. In the time available it has not been possible to establish the average industrial wage ruling over the period covered by the various codes. Officers retired pay is not in any case related to average industrial wages. On the question of improvements to these rates, I have nothing to add to the Answer I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Midlothian (Mr. Eadie) on 3rd November, 1969.—[Vol. 790. c.39.]

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