HC Deb 26 February 1970 vol 796 c408W
77. Sir Knox Cunningham

asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether he received a report in the incident in Belfast on 3rd September, 1969 when two soldiers on duty displayed the flag of the Republic of Eire in public; how this flag was obtained and what was done with it; whether there have been other similar occurrences since 3rd September; and what orders have been given to the military with regard to such flags in Ulster.

Mr. Hattersley

This was not an incident of a nature that warranted a report to my right hon. Friend. The flag was given to a British soldier as a souvenir and he thoughtlessly displayed it in public. No allegations of similar incidents since 3rd September have been substantiated. Northern Ireland Standing Security Instructions stress the importance of avoiding any action in respect of flags which might be misconstrued or lead to an inflammatory situation.

78. Sir Knox Cunningham

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what security measures are in force in the Unity Flats area on the Shankill Road in Belfast; and whether either military or joint military and Royal Ulster Constabulary patrols have access to the flats and carry out regular patrols, respectively.

Mr. Hattersley

There are military patrols inside the Flats and joint patrols outside. I am satisfied that the security forces in Belfast are taking adequate precautions to preserve security in every part of the city.

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