HL Deb 24 February 1970 vol 308 cc42-3WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How, in the event of the British Sugar Corporation Factory at Cupar being permanently closed; it is proposed to supply the Scottish market with the 30,000 tons of sugar hitherto provided annually by Cupar, and whether it will be at the same price, in view of the fact that to transport that amount by rail from the nearest beet factory in Yorkshire would cost an extra £25,000 per annum.


Cupar will not cease operation as a beet sugar factory until 1972, and in the meantime the British Sugar Corporation are continuing with their normal distribution arrangements in Scotland. I understand that the Corporation are at present studying in detail the question of future sugar supplies to their Scottish market. My right honourable friend the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has been assured by the Corporation that any decision taken as a result of this study will not, of itself, increase the price at which their sugar is sold in Scotland.