HC Deb 23 February 1970 vol 796 cc258-60W
Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government whether he will give an assurance that after April when his strengthening and safety regulations for tower blocks become statutorily enforceable all costs in connection with same will be met from the Treasury or his Department.

Mr. Freeson

The amended Building Regulations will apply after April to all new designs. So far as new local authority housebuilding is concerned, approved erection costs will rank for housing subsidy in the ordinary way. The additional cost involved in designing new schemes in compliance with the new requirements should be small.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government whether he will undertake to pay 50 per cent. of the costs incurred by the London Borough of Newham in any legal action arising out of the Ronan Point disaster, in view of his decision to contribute 50 per cent. to the other costs arising out of this incident.

Mr. Freeson

So far my right hon. Friend has been informed only that the council have decided in principle to enter into legal proceedings. He will be prepared to consider any further information and representations they may wish to put to him about the cost and consequences of this decision.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government whether he is aware that it is now estimated that the London Borough of Newham will have to find over £500,000 to strengthen their tower blocks to his Department's specification, without counting the costs of rebuilding the damaged Ronan Point; and if, in view of the fact that this money cannot be found without hardship on the local ratepayers, he will agree to some special financial assistance to this borough.

Mr. Freeson

I am aware of the borough council's estimate. My right hon. Friend has already indicated that he is prepared to consider use of part of the Government grant on a differential basis to assist authorities who are confronted with exceptionally heavy expenditure in relation to their resources. So far it has not been possible to arrive at agreement on this in discussion with the associations of local authorities.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government whether the regulations on strengthening tower blocks resultant upon the Ronan Point disaster permit, after such strengthening, the installation and re-installation of gas appliances; and whether he will give an assurance that, when councils have so strengthened these buildings according to his regulations, any further damage which may occur will receive full compensation from his Department.

Mr. Freeson

The advice given to local authorities in circulars 62/68 and 71/68, which related to the appraisal and strengthening of existing system buildings, was based on two standards; one for buildings from which gas was permanently disconnected and another for those in which gas supplies were continued or restored. The amended Building Regulations which my right hon. Friend has recently made, and which will come into force on 1st April, are based on the second and higher of these standards.

Action on the advice given to them in 1968, and the enforcement of the regula- tions now made, is a responsibility of the local authorities.