§ Mr. Nicholas Edwardsasked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he will direct the Central Electricity Generating Board to discontinue the retailing of electrical appliances, in view of the low profits earned on these activities.
§ Mr. RidleyFigures for the retailing and contracting activities of the area boards in 1969–70 are given in the Electricity Council's Report for 1969–70. Whether there should be any changes in either the range of the board's activities or the treatment of those activities in their accounts are matters I have currently under consideration.
§ Mr. Nicholas Edwardsasked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he will give a direction to the Central Electricity Generating Board to show in all accounts up to date valuations of the buildings used for appliance sales together with the notional rents used, or otherwise indicate the rate of return on capital that these notional rents represent.
§ Mr. RidleyNo. The C.E.G.B. does not sell appliances. This is done by the area electricity boards, and, as stated in my reply to my hon. Friend on 24th November, I am considering whether the information contained in the accounts of the Electricity Council and area boards on appliance sales is adequate.