HC Deb 03 December 1970 vol 807 cc441-2W
Mr. Rees-Davies

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will introduce now the use of a computer to assist criminal investigation in the Metropolitan Police force as an interim measure for the provision of records and statistics prior to the main proposals for 1972.

Mr. Sharples

All available effort is being devoted to assisting criminal investigation by bringing the police national computer into operation as soon as possible. It would be impracticable to make interim arrangements.

Mr. Rees-Davies

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what measure he proposes to take to provide those engaged in criminal investigation in the Metropolitan Police with secretarial and civilian assistance comparable to commerce and industry, to cut down the paperwork which a detective is expected to undertake;

(2) whether he will recruit to the Metropolitan Police Force specially qualified persons, regardless of age, including accountants and experts to assist those engaged in criminal investigation, with particular reference to the Fraud Squad and other squads investigating robberies.

Mr. Sharples

There are 865 civilian staff in executive, clerical, typing and ancillary classes at present employed in the Criminal Investigation Department, and 435 specialist staff, including fingerprint officers, photographers, scientists, and scenes-of-crime officers. The complement is regularly reviewed. In addition, the fraud squad and others call as necessary on the services of other specially qualified people.

Mr. Rees-Davies

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will review as a matter of urgency the equipment needs of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Metropolitan Police, in particular the need for more observer vans, for the supply of recording machines and of photographic equipment, vital to secure the detection of criminals.

Mr. Sharples

The Commissioner of Police keeps the equipment needs of the Criminal Investigation Department under regular review and is satisfied in particular that there is no deficiency in the kind of equipment specified by my hon. Friend.