§ Mr. Marshasked the Secretary of State for Local Government and Regional Planning whether he will arrange for an environmental study to be made of the Greenwich/Blackheath area.
§ Mr. CroslandI understand that the G.L.C. has in mind engaging Professor Buchanan to carry out an independent and comprehensive environmental study of the Greenwich/Blackheath area and to advise on road and traffic problems in the light of the declared policy of the three authorities concerned to preserve the special character of the area. This area includes four conservation areas designated by the borough councils.
I fully expect the study to be carried out in co-operation with the Greenwich and Lewisham Councils and that the amenity societies such as the Greenwich Society and the Blackheath Society will be consulted as it progresses.
I understand that the G.L.C. intends to submit the results of the study to the panel of inquiry which is to inquire into the Greater London Development Plan.
I welcome this study of this unique area, and I am particularly anxious that the results should be published and made available to the G.L.D.P. Inquiry.