HC Deb 09 April 1970 vol 799 cc112-5W
Mr. Alison

asked the Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity if she will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT the indices for all groups and sub-groups covered by the current Retail Price Index for October, 1951, October, 1958,

16.1.62=100 17.6.47=100 17.1.56=100
Group and sub-group 16.10.51* 14.10.58 13.10.59 13.10.64 21.10.69 17.1.56* 16.1.62
FOOD 68.7 97.7 97.0 108.0 131.8 187.7 110.7
Bread, flour, cereals, biscuits and cakes * 93 94 109 136 * 127
Meat and bacon * 102 101 114 142 * 106
Fish * 87 88 106 135 * 130
Butter, margarine, lard and cooking fat * 92 118 112 111 * 85
Milk, cheese and eggs * 105 102 102 127 * 108
Tea, coffee, cocoa, soft drinks, etc. * 103 103 105 111 * 98
Sugar, preserves and confectionery * 98 99 121 143 * 106
Vegetables, fresh, dried and canned * 99 89 105 138 * 117
Fruit, fresh, dried and canned * 75 74 85 110 * 133
Other food * 97 97 108 128 * 107
ALCOHOLIC DRINK 88.8 97.8 90.6 110.0 136.5 113.6 108.2
TOBACCO 78.6 87.2 87.5 109.5 135.8 110.2 123.6
HOUSING * 88.1 91.6 115.7 149.5 122.9‡ 140.6
Rent 116 155
Rates and water charges 121 154
Charges for repairs and maintenance, and materials for home repairs and decorations 107 124
FUEL AND LIGHT (including oil) 55.6 84.9 85.9 109.7 141.3 178.8 130.6
Coal and coke * 81 81 106 150 * 135
Gas * 89† 91† 109 126 * 126†
Electricity 16 145
DURABLE HOUSEHOLD GOODS 95.5 97.9 95.8 102.9 120.6 140.0 102.1
Furniture, floor coverings and soft furnishings * 94 94 108 131 * 109
Radio, television and other household appliances * 108 101 97 108 * 88
Pottery, glassware and hardware * 95 93 103 122 * 107
CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR 93.7 96.4 96.5 105.5 119.2 145.2 106.6
Men's outer clothing * 96 96 107 124 * 108
Men's underclothing * 94 94 107 124 * 111
Women's outer clothing * 98 97 105 116 * 106
Women's underclothing * 94 95 106 118 * 109
Children's clothing * 98 97 104 119 * 107
Other clothing, including hose, haberdashery, hats and materials * 98 98 103 114 * 100
Footwear * 93 97 107 122 * 111
TRANSPORT AND VEHICLES * 89.0 90.8 102.4 124.1 * 126.7
Motoring and cycling * 98 101 96 115 * 106
Fares * 83 85 115 144 * 143
MISCELLANEOUS GOODS 71.8 88.5 88.7 105.3 133.9 146.4 128.2
Books, newspapers and periodicals * 84 85 113 166 * 150
Medicines, surgical, etc. goods and toilet requisites * 87 88 100 121 * 126
Soaps and detergents, soda, polishes and other household goods 105 118
Stationery, travel and sports goods, toys, photographic and optical goods, etc. * 97 94 104 131 * 110

October, 1959, October, 1964 and October, 1969, on a common base of January, 1962 equalling 100, and giving the indices for January, 1956 based on June, 1947 equalling 100 and January, 1962, based on January, 1956 equalling 100.

Mr. Dell

The figures are as follows:

16.1.62=100 17.6.47=100 17.1.56=100
Group and sub-group 16.10.51* 14.10.58 13.10.59 13.10.64 21.10.69 17.1.56* 16.1.62
SERVICES * 88.5 89.8 108.0 144.8 147.6§ 130.1
Postage and telephones * 98 98 103 137 * 134
Entertainment * 85 85 104 141 * 132
Other services including domestic help, hairdressing, boot and shoe repairing, laundering and dry cleaning * 90 92 112 150 * 128
ALL ITEMS 71.5 93.1 92.9 107.9 133.2 153.4 117.5


* Indices for sub-groups were not calculated prior to April, 1952, it is therefore not possible to give sub-group figures for 16th October, 1951 with 16th January, 1962=100 or for 17th January, 1956 with 17th June, 1947=100. Changes made in 1956 in the composition of some index groups, particularly Housing and Services (which included Transport) invalidate the linking of the series calculated for these groups before and after January. 1956.

† "Other fuel and light", namely gas, electricity and oil.

‡ "Rent and rates". The Cost of Living Advisory Committee in its Report on the Working of the Interim Index of Retail Prices dated 17th January, 1952 (Cmd. 8481) accepted the view of the Retail Prices Index Technical Committee that the index for rent and rates understated the real rise in rents between June, 1947 and the end of 1951, but that overstatements of the rise elsewhere in the index offset this understatement.

§ Including transport.

[...] The Cost of Living Advisory Committee recommended in 1962 that until a satisfactory index series based on actual prices became available half the expenditure on meals out should continue to be allocated to the food group and the other half spread proportionately over all groups, including the food group. The index for meals out for 16th January, 1968 implicit in this recommendation was 121.4. Since January, 1968 an index series based on actual prices has been available and indices in this series have been linked with the implicit index for meals out for 16th January, 1968 to obtain indices for meals out with 16th January, 1962 taken as 100. The index for meals out given for 13th October, 1964 is the implicit index.