HC Deb 25 November 1969 vol 792 cc58-60W
54. Mr. Braine

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many British subjects are still known to be missing in China or are imprisoned by the Chinese authorities; what are their names and ages; how long they have been missing or imprisoned; what has been done in each case to ascertain their whereabouts and the charges, if any, preferred against them; what is known about their state of health; and what action has been taken by Her Majesty's Government on their behalf.

Mr. Luard

Nine British subjects are known or believed to be detained in China at the present time. I will, with permission, circulate a list in the OFFICIAL REPORT. The Chinese authorities have provided no information about their present whereabouts; nor, except in the case of Mr. Watt who was sentenced to three years' imprisonment for alleged espionage, about charges, beyond the allegation that the persons detained have violated Chinese laws.

Repeated representations have been made here and in Peking to the Chinese authorities for information and for consular access. The most recent occasion was on 11th November when my hon. Friend the Under-Secretary of State summoned the Chinese Chargé d'Affaires.

Except in the case of Mr. Watt, who is allowed to correspond periodically with his family, there has been no contact with the detained British subjects, and we have therefore no information about their present state of health. Mr. Watt would seem to he reasonably fit.

We shall continue to make strong representations to the Chinese authorities on these cases with a view to securing the release of those detained at the earliest possible moment.

Following is the list:

British Subjects detained or believed to be detained in China

Mr. G. Watt, about 39 years of age, was arrested on the 26th September, 1967 and sentenced to three years' imprisonment for alleged espionage on the 15th of March, 1968.

Mr. P. D. Crouch, about 30 years of age, Second Officer of the "Demodocus", was detained in Shanghai on the 3rd of April, 1968.

Mr. D. C. Johnston, about 55 years of age, the former Manager of the Shanghai branch of the Chartered Bank, was detained in Shanghai on the 25th of August, 1968.

Mrs. Epstein (née Elsie Fairfax-Cholmeley), about 64 years of age, is believed to have been detained towards the end of 1967.

Mr. M. Shapiro, age unknown, is believed to have been detained towards the end of 1967.

Mr. D. Crook, 59 years of age, is believed to have been detained towards the end of 1967.

Mrs. Gladys Yang, about 51 years of age, is believed to have been detained in July, 1968.

Mrs. C. Martin, about 72 years of age, was detained in Shanghai in October, 1969.

Mr. W. McBain, 78 years of age, was detained in Shanghai in October, 1969.

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