HC Deb 17 November 1969 vol 791 cc213-5W
Commander Pursey

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, if, in view of the differences between the Yorkshire Ouse and Hull River Authority and the Hull Corporation as to which authority is responsible for the various defective banks, wharves and warehouses on the River Hull, within the city boundary, he will use his default powers with the object of immediate action being taken to prevent further serious flooding.

Mr. John Mackie

I am informed by the river authority and Hull Corporation that there is a mutual understanding that the former takes responsibility for river banks and the latter for wharves and warehouses.

Commander Pursey

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will hold an inquiry to establish why the recommendation of the river board, in April, 1962, that all River Hull banks and wharves, at corporation level, should be raised by 12 inches was not carried out; and why this recommendation is not now being acted upon, in view of the recent serious flooding over large areas in Hull.

Mr. John MackieI

Although the river board considered possible flood protection measures in 1962, the river authority states that no recommendation was made about the raising of defences above the level prescribed in the Hull Corporation Act. understand that the river authority and the corporation consider flood gates to be the most likely long-term solution and this is to be discussed by both bodies very shortly.

Commander Pursey

asked the Minister of Agriculture. Fisheries and Food whether he will hold an inquiry to ascertain what temporary action is being taken by the river authority and Hull Corporation, with sandbags and 20 portable dams to be puddled in with clay, on the defective banks and wharves of the River Hull, pending permanent repairs, to stop a repetition of the flooding which has previously occurred in November.

Mr. John Mackie

I understand the river authority propose to repair defective banks shortly; with regard to wharves, work has already been done at one point and others will be dealt with in the near future. No temporary works are proposed by the Corporation unless the permanent works are delayed.

Commander Pursey

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what steps are being taken by the river authority and Hull Corporation to ensure that future flood warnings are communicated to families in the large areas liable to flooding in Hull, so that young children and aged invalids in beds in downstairs rooms can be evacuated before being inundated with three feel: of water and crude sewage.

Mr. John Mackie

There are standing arrangements whereby the Hull City police alert emergency services, warn individual industrial premises, and warn the general public through the local radio system and loudspeaker cars. I understand that these arrangements operated on 28th–29th September and will be applied in future.

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