HC Deb 10 November 1969 vol 791 cc35-6W
Mr. Arthur Davidson

asked the Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity what is the percentage increase this year in the number of industrial stoppages over the average number of stoppages for the same period during the last eight, 10 and 12 years, respectively.

Mr. Harold Walker

The number of stoppages due to industrial disputes beginning in the period 1st January to 30th September, 1969, was 2,181. This figure, which is provisional, represents an increase over the average of the corresponding nine-month periods in the preceding eight, 10 and 12 years, of 22, 21 and 18 per cent., respectively.

Mr. Arthur Davidson

asked the Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity what increases have taken place in the third quarter of 1969 in the numbers of strikes compared with the average for the third quarters for the last eight, 10 and 12 years, respectively.

Mr. Harold Walker

The number of stoppages due to industrial disputes be ginning in the period 1st July to 30th September, 1969, was 693. This figure, which is provisional, is an increase over the average of the third quarters of the preceding eight, 10 and 12 years, of 167, 163 and 146 stoppages, or 32, 31 and 27 per cent., respectively.

Mr. Arthur Davidson

asked the Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity in how many years since 1956 the number of industrial stoppages has exceeded 2,000.

Mr. Harold Walker

The number of stoppages due to industrial disputes has exceeded 2,000 in all years since 1956 except 1966.