HC Deb 23 May 1969 vol 784 cc151-2W
Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will publish in the Official Report the names and dates of service of hon. Members of the House who have represented Great Britain since October, 1964, on the Council of Europe, the United Nations and other international bodies to which Her Majesty's Government appoints representatives.

Mr. Foley

The names of members of the House who are delegates to the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe are given to the House on their appointment, the last occasion being in my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister's Answer to my hon. Friend the member for Farnworth (Mr. Thornton) on 7th May, 1969.

My hon. Friend the Member for Oxford (Mr. Luard) was the United Kingdom representative at the United Nations General Assembly Fourth (Colonial and Trusteeship) Committee at the last two sessions of the Assembly and deputy leader of the United Kingdom delegation to the International Conference on Human Rights held in Tehran in 1968.

On the Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees the United Kingdom representatives have been the late Dame Edith Pitt, M.P. in 1964 and, since 1965, my hon. Friend the Member for Gateshead, West (Mr. Randell).

On the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women the United Kingdom representatives have been: 1965–66, my hon. Friend the Member for Clapham (Mrs. McKay), 1967, my hon. Friend the Member for Holborn and St. Pancras, South (Mrs. Lena Jeger), and 1968–69, my hon. Friend the Member for Halifax (Dr. Summerskill).—[Vol. 783, c. 100–2.]