HC Deb 27 March 1969 vol 780 cc349-50W
Mr. Peter M. Jackson

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT the bodies consulted in respect of the provision in the proposed Education Bill, showing in particular which bodies have been consulted as to their views on replacing religious instruction in schools.

Mr. Edward Short

The bodies named in List A below were invited to let me have their preliminary views on desirable changes in the law. The additional bodies named in List B later indicated that they would like to offer comments and were encouraged to do so. None of these bodies has been asked to consider any particular aspects of existing legislation.

List A Association of Art Institutions. Association of Education Committees. Association of Governing Bodies of Girls' Public Schools. Association of Governing Bodies of Public Schools. Association of Municipal Corporations. Association of Principals of Technical Institutions. Association for Special Education. Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education. Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions. Association of Technical Institutions. Association of Voluntary Aided Secondary Schools. Association of University Teachers. Catholic Education Council. Church of England Board of Education. Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals. Confederation of British Industry. Consultative Committee of Jewish Day Schools. County Councils Association. Free Church Federal Council. Headmasters' Conference. Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools. Independent Schools Association. Inner London Education Authority. Joint Committee of the Four Secondary Associations. Methodist Education Committee. National Association of Divisional Executives for Education. National Association of Head Teachers. National Association of Schoolmasters. National Federation of Continuative Teachers. National Society. National Society for Art Education. National Union of Students. National Union of Teachers. Standing Conference of National Voluntary Youth Organisations. Trades Union Congress. Universities Council for Adult Education. Welsh Joint Education Committee. Workers' Educational Association.

List B. Association of Tutors. British Council of Churches. Catholic Teachers' Federation. National Association of Youth Service Officers. National Campaign for Nursery Education. National Institute of Adult Education. Nursery Schools Association. Universities Council for the Education of Teachers.