HC Deb 03 March 1969 vol 779 cc9-10W
Mr. Onslow

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what proportion of those on the waiting list for geriatric hospital beds in North-West Surrey during 1968 died before admission.

Mr. Ennals

16.2 per cent.; this includes people waiting in local authority homes and private nursing homes as well as those waiting at home.

Mr. Onslow

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what are the criteria for inclusion on the geriatric hospital waiting list in North-West Surrey.

Mr. Ennals

No general criteria are laid down. Each case is considered on its merits by the geriatrician concerned.

Mr. Onslow

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the average length of time spent on the waiting list for a geriatric hospital bed in North-West Surrey.

Mr. Ennals

It is not possible to give a meaningful figure of average waiting time for geriatric beds. All patients are assessed on their current medico-social circumstances which govern the degree of priority they are given in relation to other patients who are awaiting admission.

Mr. Onslow

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many additional geriatric hospital beds have been provided in North-West Surrey during each of the past four years; and how many, on present plans, will be provided in each of the next four years.

Mr. Ennals

20 in 1965, 13 in 1966, 12 in 1967 and none in 1968. I understand that the regional hospital board has at present no plans to provide further additional geriatric beds in this area over the next four years.