HC Deb 16 July 1969 vol 787 c140W
Mr. Winnick

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs when he will make a further statement on the relief food supplies position for Biafra.

Mr. Foley

My right lion. Friend explained the position in his statement on 7th July and gave a further account in the debate on 10th July. Discussions are currently taking place between the Federal Nigerian authorities and the International Committee of the Red Crass on the means of giving effect to the Federal Government's offer of daylight flights.—[Vol. 786, c. 951–8, Vol. 786, c. 1595–1601.]

Mr. Winnick

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if Her Majesty's Government will now seek to arrange for a senior British official to visit Biafra to explore the possibility of a cease-fire in the war, and later negotiations between Nigeria and Biafra.

Mr. Foley

I have nothing to add to what my right hon. Friend said in the House on 10th July.—[Vol. 786, c. 1595–1601.]

Mr. Winnick

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what action is being taken by Her Majesty's Government to arrange with the Nigerian Government that food supplies should be sent into Biafra from neutral territory but with inspection by Nigerian representatives.

Mr. Foley

I have nothing to add to what my right hon. Friend said in the House on 10th July.—[Vol. 786. c. 1595–1601.]