HC Deb 09 July 1969 vol 786 c255W
46. Mr. Will Owen

asked the Minister Df Technology how much money was spent by his Department per head of the population in Scotland, Wales, the Northern Region, and the rest of the country, respectively, in the latest period for which figures are available.

Dr. Bray

In 1967–68 it is estimated that expenditure by the Ministry of Technology, including procurement, per head of the population in Scotland was £9.1, in Wales, £2.5, in the Northern Region, £5.7, and in the rest of the country, £13.7. For the Department's expenditure on support for industry and research and development which was given in the written reply to my hon. Friend, the Member for Fife, West (Mr. William Hamilton) on 16th May, the figures are, in Scotland £3.5, in Wales £0.9, in the Northern Region £1.4 and in the rest of the country £6.9.—[Vol. 783, c. 293–6.]