HC Deb 04 July 1969 vol 786 cc160-1W
Mr. Gregory

asked the Minister of Transport (I) if he will further consider the proposal to classify Heaton Moor Road, Stockport, as a principal roadway;

(2) on what grounds Heaton Moor Road, Stockport, was scheduled as a feeder road in relationship to the roadway system in the northern Stockport area; and what reply he has given to representations on this matter;

(3) what action he proposes to take for the improvement and reconstruction of Heaton Moor Road, Stockport, in view of the dangerous condition to pedestrians and other road-users, and the liability to flooding of various stretches of the carriageway, about which the hon. Member for Stockport, North has written to him.

Mr. Marsh

My hon. Friend will by now have received the reply to his representations, dated 1st July, which explained why Heaton Moor Road cannot be classified as principal road and why, in any event, its maintenance, including resurfacing and reconstruction, is a matter for Stockport County Borough Council, as highway authority. I am not aware that this road has been scheduled as a feeder road. We informed the Council on 8th April that its function was not higher than that of a district distributor and we have had no representations in that regard.

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