§ Reported on
- (1) Road Haulage Charges.
- (2) Wages, Costs and Prices in the Printing Industry.
- (3) Prices of Bread and Flour.
- (4) Prices of Household and Toilet Soaps, Soap Powders and Soap Flakes, Soapless Detergents.
- (5) London Electricity Board Tariffs.
- (6) Gas Tariffs.
- (7) Coal Prices.
- (8) Costs, Prices and Profits in the Brewing Industry.
- (9) Laundry and Dry Cleaning Charges.
- (10) Prices to Consumers of Coal, Coke and other Solid Fuels manufactured from Coal.
- (11) Rate of Interest on Building Society Mortgages.
- (12) Prices of Standard Newsprint.
- (13) Prices of Compound Fertilisers.
- (14) Distribution Costs of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.
- (15) The Remuneration of Milk Distributors.
- (16) Bank Charges.
- (17) Costs and Charges in the Motor Repairing and Servicing Industry.
- (18) Portland Cement Prices.
- (19) Costs and Prices of Aluminium Semi-Manufactures.
- (20) Costs and Revenue of National Daily Newspapers.
- (21) Prices of Fletton and Non-Fletton Bricks.
- (22) Charges, Costs and Wages in the Road Haulage Industry.
- (23) Costs and Charges in the Radio and Television Rental and Relay Industry.
- (24) Flour Prices.
- (25) Remuneration of Solicitors.
- (26) Distributor's Margins in relation to Manufacturers' Recommended Prices.
- (27) Proposals by the London Transport Board and British Railways Board for Fare Increases in the London Area.
- (28) Gas Prices.
- (29) Post Office Charges.
- (30) The Bulk Supply Tariff of the central Electricity Generating Board.
- (31) Secondary Batteries.
- (32) Increases in Rents of Local Authority Housing.
- (33) Mercury Hearing-Aid Batteries.
- (34) Price of Butyl Rubber.
- (35) Passenger Fares and Freight Charges of the North of Scotland, Orkney and Shetland Shipping Company Limited.
- (36) Architects' Costs and Fees. 310
- (37) Proposed Increases by British Railways Board in certain Country-Wide Fares and Charges.
- (38) Domestic Appliances.
- (39) Costs and Prices of the Chocolate and Sugar Confectionery Industry.
- (40) Rental Charges for Equipment hired from I.B.M (U.K.) Ltd.
- (41) Distributors' Margins for Paint.
- (42) Distributors' Margins on Children's Clothing.
- (43) Distributors' Margins on Household Textiles.
- (44) Distributors' Margins on Proprietary Medicines.
- (45) Increase in Standard Scale of Motor Cab Fares in the Metropolitan Area.
- (46) Office Staff Employment Agencies: Charges and Salaries.
- (47) Distributors' Costs and Margins on Furniture, Domestic Electrical Appliances and Footwear.
§ Outstanding
- (48) Manufacturers' prices of synthetic organic dyestuffs and organic pigments.
- (49) Steel Prices.
- (50) Manufacturers' Prices of Toilet Preparations.