HC Deb 08 December 1969 vol 793 c18W
Mr. More

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what are the terms of any document which officers of the Department are called upon to sign as a condition of official employment.

Mr. Ennals

Every civil servant on appointment signs a declaration which readsMy attention has been drawn to the provisions of the Official Secrets Acts, which are set out on the back of this document, and I am fully aware of the serious consequences which may follow any breach of those provisions. I understand that the sections of the Official Secrets Acts, set out on the back of this document, cover material published in a speech, lecture, or radio or television broadcast, or in the Press or in book form. I am aware that I should not divulge any information gained by me as a result of my appointment to any unauthorised person, either orally or in writing, without the previous official sanction in writing of the Department appointing me, to which written application should be made and two copies of the proposed publication be forwarded. I understand also that I am liable to be prosecuted if I publish without official sanction any information I may acquire in the course of my tenure of an official appointment (unless it has already officially been made public) or retain without official sanction any sketch, plan, model, article, note or official documents which are no longer needed for my official duties, and that these provisions apply not only during the period of my appointment but also after my appointment has ceased. I also understand that I must surrender any documents etc. referred to in Section 2(1) of the Act if I am transferred from one post to another, save such as have been issued to me for my personal retention.

The back of the declaration reproduces Section 2 of the Official Secrets Act 1911 as amended by the Official Secrets Act 1920, and Section 1(2) of the Official Secrets Act 1920.

Every officer of the Department is required also to acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Department's staff rules.

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