HC Deb 02 December 1969 vol 792 cc260-2W
Mr. McNamara

asked the Secretary of State for Defence (1) what is the total number of men, and numbers by county, at present enrolled in the Ulster Special Constabulary;

(2) what is the total number of men, and sub-divided by county, in Northern Ireland in absolute terms and as a percentage of the force in the age ranges 15–25 years, 25–35 years, 35–45 years, 45–55 years, 55–65 years and over 65 years at present enrolled in the Ulster Special Constabulary;

(3) what is the number of officers in the Ulster Special Constabulary both as an absolute figure and as a percentage in the age ranges 15–25 years, 25–35 years, 35–45 years, 45–55 years, 55–65 years and over 65 years.

Mr. Hattersley

I regret that the information is not readily available but I will write to the hon. Member.

Mr. McNamara

asked the Secretary of State for Defence how many members of the Tynan Platoon of the Ulster Special Constabulary who refused to give evidence at the coroner's inquest following the Armagh incidents are still mobilised in the Specials; how many of them still have weapons and are authorised to keep them at home; what rank they now hold; and how many have been promoted since the incident.

Mr. Hattersley

The six men involved, 1 sub-district commandant, 1 special sergeant and 4 special constables are all still part-time members of the Ulster Special Constabulary; they are not mobilised. In this capacity they hold weapons and are authorised to keep them at home. None have been promoted since the incident.

Mr. Maginnis

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he is satisfied with the support given to the Army in Northern Ireland by members of the Ulster Special Constabulary; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Hattersley

Yes, I am satisfied with the support given to the Army by the Ulster Special Constabulary following the assumption by the G.O.C. Northern Ireland of overall responsibility for security operations and during the present phase in which proposals are being worked out to implement the main recommendations of the Hunt Committee.