HC Deb 01 December 1969 vol 792 cc217-8W
100. Mr. Chapman

asked the Secretary of State for Local Government and Regional Planning what invitation he has received to take part in discussions, under the proposals of the Aigrain Committee, with other European Governments on pollution; and to what extent he is planning his work in this field to take account of the European approach recommended by this Committee, details of which are in his possession.

Mr. Crosland

On 4th November the President of the Council of the European Communities wrote to the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary inviting Britain to participate in seven sectors of European scientific and technological co-operation, in which the member states of the Communities have put forward about 30 projects for consideration. Environmental pollution is one of these sectors. The nine proposals in this sector are, at this stage, only sketched in outline. They cover water pollution control, research into various forms of atmospheric pollution, including vehicle exhaust, development of sludge processing methods and research into accoustic nuisances.

Her Majesty's Government have accepted the invitation to take part in detailed consideration of all the proposals with the other Governments con- cerned. My right hon. Friend and I are very conscious of the need for effective international co-operation in the control of environmental pollution; and we believe that Britain can contribute significantly to this important work.