HC Deb 29 April 1969 vol 782 cc215-6W
Sir R. Russell

asked the Minister of Transport if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of countries abroad in which British driving licences are recognised.

Mr. Marsh

I understand that, for touring purposes, the following countries at present recognise British driving licences:

Afghanistan. Libya.
Algeria. Liechtenstein.
Andorra. Luxemborg.
Argentina. Malawi.
Australia. Malta.
Austria. Mauritius.
Bahamas. Mexico.
Barbados. Monaco.
Belgium. Netherlands.
Botswana. New Zealand.
British Honduras. Nicaragua.
Brunei (See Note 1). Niger.
Bulgaria. Norway.
Canada. Papua and New
Costa Rica (See Note Guinea.
1). Peru.
Cuba. Philippines.
Cyprus (See Note 1). Portugal.
Czechoslovakia. (including the
Denmark. Azores, Maderia).
Dominican Republic. San Merino.
Ethiopia (See Note 2). Sarawak.
Fiji. Seychelles.
Finland. Singapore.
France. South Africa (See
Gambia. Note 3).
Federal Republic of South West Africa.
Germany. Southern Yemen (See
Ghana. Note 1).
Gibraltar. Sudan.
Guatemala. Swaziland.
Guernsey. Switzerland.
Honduras. Tanzania.
Hong Kong. Togo.
Iran. Trinidad and Tobago.
Irish Republic. Turkey.
Israel. Uganda.
Italy (See Note 2). Union of Soviet
Jamaica. Socialist Republics
Jersey. (See Note 2).
Jordan. United States of
Kenya. America (See Note
Kuwait (See Note 1). 1).
Lebanon. West Malaysia.
Leeward Islands. Yugoslavia.
Lesotho. Zambia.
1. Local licence or certificate also needed; issued on production of British licence.
2. Translation needed.
3. Not in Transvaal; local permit needed in Orange Free State.