HL Deb 21 April 1969 vol 301 cc363-4WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the recommendations made with regard to Anguilla by the Royal Commission on the West Indies (page 406) were ever implemented, and in particular the recommendation with regard to improving the irregular and scanty water supply.


In 1965 Sir William Halcrow and Partners were commissioned by the Ministry of Overseas Development to make a comprehensive survey of the water resources of St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla and, in effect, to advise generally on water supply problems. Their report was completed and sent to St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla in early 1967. The survey cost approximately £30,000, two thirds of which was met by the Ministry out of technical assistance funds and the remainder by the St. Kitts Sugar Association. Consideration is at present being given to the implementation of this

1968 Gross National Product at factor cost in million U.S. dollars Defence Expenditure in million U.S. dollars Defence Expenditure as percentage of G.N.P. at factor cost
Belgium 18,360 615.8 3.4
Canada 53,310 1,789.0 3.4
Denmark 10,420 339.4 3.3
France 103,405 6,117.0 5.9
Federal Republic of Germany 112,135 5,081.0 4.5
Greece 6,400 367.4 5.7
Italy 63,360 2,231.3 3.5
Luxembourg 695 7.5 1.1
Netherlands 21,780 901.8 4.1
Norway 7,925 330.0 4.2
Portugal 4,510 360.7 8.0
Turkey 10,505 581.7 5.5
United Kingdom 89,185 5,672.4 6.4
United States 796,335 79,605.0 100
Totals 1,298,325 104,000.1 8.0

The figures for defence expenditure are based on a standard NATO definition. This definition gives for the United Kingdom a percentage higher than that for report as part of the development programme for Anguilla now being drawn up by the British Development Division in the Caribbean, in consultation with H.M. Commissioner and the party of Royal Engineers now on the island. It is on record that minor water supply works were also carried out during the periods 1957–1958 and 1959–1962, but further information covering the years from the publication of the report until 1965 is not readily available.